Thursday, June 19, 2008

Seeing the Hand of God

I want to occupy my days watching for the hand of God. This isn't quite as lofty as it sounds, for God goes before me and behind me. He is in all I do. If I look, I can see His hand as I rise from my sleep. He gives me the nighttime to restore my mind and body; He also gives me the gift of a new day. If I stop to think as I sip my coffee, I can delight in the plants He created which provide my food and drink. As I dress, I am reminded of His abundant provision for me. The food I eat, the work I do, the conversations I have - all are from His hand.

When I stop and think of the small aspects of life that make up my day, I see His involvement in all of it. I want to be aware of Him as I carry on with my daily responsibilities. While God may reveal Himself and teach us through significant events, I don't want to miss Him in the ordinary, common moments of life.