Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Trusting in Him

In Paul Tripp's book Broken-Down House he has an insightful passage about God's sovereignty and our desire to understand what is going on in our lives. Though the following passage is lengthy, I believe it is worth quoting.

God's sovereignty will inevitably take you where you did not intend to go. He will bless you with things you could not possibly have earned or achieved. But God will also choose for you to go through things that are difficult, and to endure things that are painful. In those moments - some of which may stretch into quite lengthy seasons - you will be tempted to question his wisdom, or his love, or both...

To question the love of him who died for us is a testimony to our own frailty. To question the wisdom of the One in whom all things hold together is a testimony to our own foolishness...

It is not a sin to desire to understand. Your rationality is a gift of your Creator. Your ability to reason, analyze, interpret, organize, and explain is one of the things that sets you apart from the rest of creation. You should endeavor to know everything you can about God, his character, and his plan for the world and the people he has placed in it. Yet you cannot allow the analytical power of your mind to be the source of your hope, confidence, and continuance.

This is why real rest and peace is not found in knowing and understanding. It is only found in trust. Only when you have a quiet confidence in the Lord behind the plan and have come to know his love, wisdom, power, and grace, will you be able to rest in hope - even when you do not understand what God is doing in a particular moment in your life." p 57-58.

All too often I desire for God to explain to me why I am going through a difficulty. Tripp reminds me that I am not called to rest in understanding - but to rest in Him alone. No wonder Jesus calls us to childlike faith - to trust in our Heavenly Father who is at work, exercising His sovereign plan. God, grant me that childlike faith and trust in You.

Friday, March 26, 2010

One Eye on Heaven

I know of no other way to live this life except by keeping one eye on Heaven. Even in the best of times, deep inside I feel a dull ache for something more. Some days, life's frailty causes me to cast a longing eye toward Heaven. And then there are days when man's sin thunders so loud that I scream for Heaven NOW. I want an end to the misery of sin. I want God's kingdom to reign on earth NOW.

Yet God waits. He continues to work out His perfect will. The events of life that surprise me are no surprise to Him. God, who knows the beginning from the end, patiently listens to me and remains steadfast in accomplishing in purposes in my life as well as in the lives of those around me. I am glad that He takes counsel with Himself and not with me.

One day we shall see His visible Kingdom on earth. Meanwhile I pray "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As with many of you, I have struggled these last two weeks to comprehend all that those in Haiti are enduring. So much heart much much death. And I wonder - is there anything I can do? Is there any way to help? I wonder how will they rebuild their houses, their communities, their lives?

There is some good news - stories of those who have been rescued, stories of buildings that were not crushed, stories of volunteers who have gone to help.

But I am also waiting to hear the news of others. Two weeks is a long time in all that rubble. Is it even possible to survive? Yet even today someone was pulled out alive. So hope remains. Yet fears continue. And in the midst of the waiting, daily life goes on.

It seems that in times of tragedy we should somehow be exempt from daily life. I need to teach about antecedents right now? Really? What does it matter? What matters is that all that concrete is lifted off the people. What matters is that families receive back their loved ones.

But I am here, and today I must carry on with the responsibilities I have. But I must send my prayers there. I can pray for strength for the rescue workers, fortitude for those who are trapped, hope for the families who wait.

I will pray, I will watch, and I will wait.