Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day by Day

Day by day life happens. Often it feels as if I don't have much control over the things that happen in my life or in the lives of those I love. And I guess I have lived long enough to see that the reality is I don't. But rather than being left in despair, I have hope. My hope does not come from what I can see and feel around me; I fear that would leave me in despair, for life is hard. My hope comes from the One who created me as well as this world I live in. Life is not spinning out of control. This life is straight on course; this life, my life, is speeding straight into eternity. We are headed toward life eternal. In the meantime, I can live each day confident that His purposes are being accomplished and that nothing can thwart His hand. There are many sitiuations I see and experience that I do not understand. But this I know: we rest in the arms of a God who loves us greatly, who is working out His purposes, and whose hand cannot be thwarted.

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