Sunday, September 30, 2007


Time is one of those ever-elusive realities of life. My constant question is "where did it go?" It is rare that I do not wish I had more time to devote to whatever I am doing - be it talking to one of my girls, writing a letter, reading, studying.

Have you ever noticed how many clocks are in our homes? Almost every appliance and electric gadget comes with a clock to set. I deliberately do not set these digital reminders. It is a small act of defiance to say that I will not be ruled by the clock; but other people come behind me and set them anyway. It is hard to look any direction within my home and not see the time.

In my effort to be free from the tyranny of time, I try not to look at my clocks constantly. I try to free myself from the mindset that today I must accomplish a little more than I did yesterday. But I am not very successful. Furthermore, the clock is always calling out to me: time to pick up children from school, time for a meeting, time to begin dinner, time for bed.

This is a puzzling issue of discipleship. God honors work, but He also honors rest. When God created time, He declared that a 24-hour day was good. (What was He thinking?!) Jesus does not appear rushed or harried in the Gospels. He seems content with the time that God has given Him. So where is my misunderstanding of time? Am I a prisoner to a society that honors busyness above all else? Do I have too many responsibilities? Am I involved in the wrong activities?

My problem is not with time management – I know how to do that. My problem is more basic. I need to agree with God in His perspective and purposes of time. I need to be content and faithful with what God has given and declared good.

May God grant me contentment and understanding in using my days for His glory.

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