Saturday, April 18, 2009

He Is Risen Indeed!

I am still reflecting on Easter. The words of a hymn that we sang Sunday morning keep running through my mind:

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain.
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
sin's curse has lost its grip on me.
For I am His and He is mine,
bought with the precious blood of Christ.
from In Christ Alone

I find it interesting that the glorious moment when Christ was raised from the dead was not witnessed by any man. God was quite content for the resurrection to take place quietly as the sun also rose. Man, who is redeemed by this great event, lies sleeping - unaware of the cosmic victory that was won. God promised a redeemer when man fell in the Garden, and now, that redemption is made sure and certain.

Hallelujah, the victory is won. Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed!

1 comment:

KLR said...

I am finally catching up on my reading. I love your insight and wisdom Tricia.

This post in particular fills me with great joy that I have Jesus Christ as my savior. How loved are we? Sleep well my friend.